Nassau County Department of Social Services

Report Child Care Provider Payment Issues

Please use this form to request assistance for up to 3 issues. The following issues can be reported:
  • Children missing from attendance recording
  • Assistance in resolving early/incomplete submittals
  • Questions about a specific payment ID/timesheet
  • Remove children no longer attending

This should be used to report issues. In order to protect privacy, all subsequent communication will be conducted via telephone or mail. Only minimal amount of identifying information will be collected, however it is important to complete as much as possible. This will allow staff to better assist you, with resolving the issue.

Provider Information
Issue 1 - Child Info
Only first three characters allowed
Issue 2 - Child Info
Only first three characters allowed
Issue 3 - Child Info
Only first three characters allowed
All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required

We are diligently trying to assist everyone, in an orderly manner.
Repeat requests for the same children in a short period of time, may hinder our ability to assist you.

Thank you for your patience, as we understand the importance of your time.